
Introducing Joy Feldman

WE WOULD LIKE to introduce our readers to Sophisticated Woman’s newest columnist and blogger, Joy Feldman. Joy is the author of two books that operate on a simple premise, “We are what we eat.”

Joy is the president of JHF Nutritional Consulting and the founder and executive director of a new nonprofit organization, The Picture of Children’s Health. The organization was formed after the widespread success of an initiative that Joy implemented called

“An Act of Solidarity for Children’s Health.” This initiative helped organize enormous statewide events in Rhode Island and New York where over 175,000 students across these states in more than 200 schools, youth programs ad health centers participated. Because of her efforts, Joy was awarded a Congratulatory Resolution by the Rhode Island General Assembly during National Nutrition Month.

Joy’s background includes a law degree from the University of Miami, legal research for top tier medical institutions and writing legislation for a Fortune 500 health care company. She also pursued a master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition and one-on-one mentoring. She studied under the renowned Dr. Lawrence Wilson, considered one of the foremost authorities on nutrition and on the science of mineral balancing. She earned a certificate in biochemical nutritional balance science from Westbrook University and also completed advanced training in biochemical nutritional balancing science. She is now an instructor of nutritional balancing science where she educates physicians who are new practitioners in the science of interpreting each individual’s biochemistry.

Joy’s two books, Joyful Cooking in the Pursuit of Good Health and Is Your Hair Made of Donuts? teach the essential principle: you are what you eat. She has also appeared on national radio and television as well as written articles on children’s health for national children’s magazines. We are looking forward to reading Joy’s columns and blog posts on children’s health issues. Welcome, Joy!


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