
Best Music School

Northlake Academy of Music

Leslie Domingues, owner of Northlake Academy of Music, holds degrees in Regular and Special Education and started Tots-N-Tunes in 1997. The Academy is a loving, nurturing and positive place to learn music at any age and has always had an open door and heart to special needs students. “It warms my heart to see my students shine with delight as they learn music,” says Leslie. The staff at Northlake is trained to teach each student with respect, kindness and positive reinforcement.

The 2013 Active Partnership Benefit recently chose three educators in St. Tammany Parish that had outstanding ratings for teaching Special Needs Children/Adults and Leslie was selected as a finalist. The school was also voted the Northshore’s Best Music Academy two years in a row.

The Academy offers lessons from 9-month olds to elderly students, and a “Tunes Together” live music appreciation course for mommy, daddy and baby. Classes for any age include: Tots-N-Tunes music appreciation for 2- to 5-year olds, Music-N-More for pre-schoolers, small group and private piano and choir lessons for 4-year olds to adults, as well as  lessons in voice, guitar, piano, violin and drums for all ages.

Northlake, the only private Academy with a choir room for practice and performing, now offers a year round Adult Choir that sings in the community. Although Leslie Domingues works many hours per day, she says, “It doesn’t feel like work, because it is my passion. I am truly blessed!”

Northlake Academy of Music is located at 375 Asbury Drive in Mandeville. For more info call 985-778-0786 or visit northlakeacademyofmusic.net.


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