
A Fresh Start


WITH THE BLANK-SLATE, anything-canhappen promise of the brand-new year, the time is perfect to make marketing resolutions. If you’ve followed last year’s advice, you have a marketing plan in place by now. Consider these resolutions to stay on track all year.

1. Give your creative approach a makeover. Media placement and other outreach tactics are only as effective as the creative messaging you use. If you’ve been running the same ads for a while, consider a new approach to refresh your look and messaging.

2. Try something new. It’s easy to get in the habit of doing the same thing marketing-wise year after year. Make 2017 the time to try at least one new marketing tactic.

3. Measure results regularly. Take the time consistently to assess the effectiveness of marketing tactics. Review web analytics, SERP (search engine results page) ranking reports, retail traffic, calls and online inquiries that result from marketing activities.

4. Look closely at your website. When was the last time you gave your website a good review? If you’re not monitoring it regularly, chances are it’s outdated. If your site is more than two or three years old, you probably need some technical modifications for optimal performance.

5. Revisit keywords. Keeping your site metadata current and accurate helps people find you online. It’s as important to visibility as good signage and an attractive storefront.

6. Be sociable. Resolve to develop a social media strategy and post interesting and useful content consistently. It doesn’t all have to be original—reposting related tidbits works fine for filler.

7. Network. Get out there and mingle with customers and potential referral sources. It helps you keep your finger on the pulse of business, and it’s fun!

Hopefully your marketing resolutions last longer than the diet and exercise ones, which are often done for by Mardi Gras.

Laura Tobin is the Vice President of Gallinghouse Marketing + Creative. She is a 25+ year veteran of the ad industry with regional and national experience in marketing. Gallinghouse is located at 409 W. 21st Ave., Covington. For more information call 985-893-7631 or visit gallinghouse.com.


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