November 2015—Beverly Brown
ONE OF BEVERLY BROWN’S favorite places is City of Rocks State Park in New Mexico. An avid outdoorsperson and camping enthusiast, Beverly vividly remembers her
ONE OF BEVERLY BROWN’S favorite places is City of Rocks State Park in New Mexico. An avid outdoorsperson and camping enthusiast, Beverly vividly remembers her
My culinary awakening took place in my year abroad in France. Although I was a poor student, Europe presented me with rich food and eating
Events and Activities to Appreciate This Fall Northshore residents are blessed to live in an area with so many cultural events at our doorstep year
IF YOU ARE from the South, you know one of the most popular holiday ingredients is the pecan. It is used to make sweet desserts
Ingredients: 3–4 ounces bacon, cut into small strips Cooking oil 2.5-3 lb frying chicken ½ teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper ¼ cup cognac 3 cups
The 2015 Kickin’ Parkinson’s party and twilight run hosted at Stone Creek Club and Spa, in support of Team Fox, was its most successful event
Verrines, a tiny taste with a big surprise. I like tiny things. I also like layers, colors, textures and waking up my palate with taste
Horseradish Cream INGREDIENTS 4 oz cream cheese 4 TBS fresh grated horseradish root OR prepared horseradish sauce to taste 2 sprigs fresh dill 7 (or
From Baker’s Royale Makes approximately eight 3 1/2 oz servings Ingredients: Caramel Mousse: 1 cup cold heavy cream 2 tablespoon sugar 1/4 cup plus caramel
We met up with Dr. Liza Ledet at Paris Parker Salon and Spa in Mandeville to prepare for the photo shoot where Erica Lee styled
Unleashing Innovation in Pet Health WHETHER YOU LIVE in Old Mandeville or frequent it on a regular basis, you’ve undoubtedly seen people walking or running,
FINALLY, I FEEL a touch of cool in the air. Could it be true or is it just my imagination? I may even see a
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We are thrilled to announce the exciting auction items for this year’s Hats Off Luncheon
Written By : Jan Windhorst | Photos by: Chuck billiot Brittani Naccari Farrell There I
Dr. Heather Vinet What do you get when you combine a love for science, athleticism