Franco’s Fins
Franco’s Schooners is a summer league team in association with the SRSA (Scenic River Swim Association). We accept swimmers of all abilities ages 5-18.
The Francos Fins Masters Swim Team provides year round opportunities to increase physical fitness, improve year round opportunities, improve stroke technique, receive regular coaching, and participate in social activities. The masters program at Franco’s complements the swim classes by providing a setting to further develop swimming skills and physical conditioning. The coaches are capable of working with swimmers who have just begun to swim as a fitness activity as well as those who have competed at the highest levels. The workout schedule is intended to accommodate the time demands of busy adults.
The Franco’s Fins Masters program is committed to the needs of its members who range in age from 19 to 90 and with 6 months to 70 years of swimming experience. Because we all have careers and families, our time is precious. Therefore, each member’s ability to participate in the program will vary based on other commitments, needs, and obligations. Our program comprehends these realities and values each individual’s participation regardless of skill or number of activities attended. Our coaches will work with you to understand and help you achieve your objectives.
100 Bon Temps RouleMandeville, LA 70471
(985) 792-0200