
Recharge the Positive

MOTHER NATURE sets the stage in January for new beginnings. While everyone worries about resolutions, she is in the process of recharging her battery for the coming year. We should all do the same—focus on what we WANT to happen in 2015! There is no better place to do that then right in your own backyard.

Winter sunlight is the best stimulus for positive energy. Sit for a few minutes in the direct rays and let your eyes wander over your stripped down landscape. Amazing how the removal of summer leaves allows lots of light to dance into your garden. Use the bare winter bones to begin painting a picture of what you would like to see mid-summer. Remove the things that did not work and replace them in your mind’s eye with something new. This may not be the time to do all the new plantings, but a visual picture may be your canvas when spring arrives. Perhaps some written notes will be helpful reminders when the time for planting rolls around.

The garden, just like us, also needs time to rest. That is exactly what winter provides. We see leafless trees and shrubs, bare flowerbeds and brown lawns. These things are not lifeless. They are merely recharging for what lies ahead. You can help nature out just a little by using this down time to prepare for spring’s rebirth. While looking at the bare bone landscape, decide what trees and shrubs need to be trimmed. If they are bare, it is certainly a great time to do so. Leafy plants can wait. Perennials definitely need to be cut back now. If you have no perennials (plants that come back each year), go to a local nursery and ask about plants that do well in this area. Find out when they will come in and where they might flourish in your garden. All of these things will help to paint that mental picture of positive change in your garden.

Don’t stop there. Think about adding garden paths and statuary to accentuate areas not utilized. You have all winter to shop around for the best deals on these ideas. Add this to your mental garden picture and then make it a reality. Use the winter garden as a place to find your own positive energy for 2015. Following nature’s cues instead of fighting them may be just the answer to recharging your own positive vibes for the year ahead. Drink in the warm winter sun whenever you can and rest when the darkness falls! As each day lengthens, you will be refreshed with positive energy and a new canvas in your own backyard. Plug in and let nature help your battery recharge!

Email your gardening questions and comments to Lisa at [email protected].


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