
June 2012—Frank Tranchina and Mark Mansfield, Tranchina & Mansfield, LLC

Like life itself, matters that involve family law are rarely confined to workday hours. Attorneys Frank Tranchina and Mark Mansfield, of Tranchina & Mansfield, LLC will tell you that such matters often arise on a Saturday morning. That is why it is vital to have a team of legal professionals who understand the needs of such a case. Both Frank and Mark are board-certified in family law with Mark being one of the youngest family law specialists in the state. “We are a full-service firm,” Frank says. “We are there for our clients, whether it is myself, Mark, or a member of our close-knit, highly competent staff. We conduct every case as though we are advocating for members of our own families.” Tranchina & Mansfield, LLC deals with all matters of family law. “This is what we do exclusively,” Mark says. “We have worked on cases that run the gamut in this field involving everything from grandparent visitation, to adoption, to support and custody situations.”

As a family man with two grown children, Frank has experienced many phases of life, including his most recent role as a grandfather. His greatest pleasures come from his wife, grandchild and two children—one a lawyer in California and the other a restaurateur in Covington. In addition to his three-plus decades of experience as a litigator, his innate ability to balance the legal with the emotional sides of each case, and his provident approach to family law, Frank has acted as a Special Master for various family law judges. He currently sits on a committee formed by the Louisiana Supreme Court comprised of judges, court personnel and family lawyers across the state whose goal is to devise uniform family court rules for the entire state. “As an agent of the court, I am continually challenged by multifarious cases which come before it,” he notes. “In my role as a Special Master, it is my duty to unfold each aspect of these cases, and ultimately present a concise summation to the court. I have seen variances of just about every scenario, and this ‘extracurricular’ duty only serves to enhance my legal field of vision, which benefits my clients as well.”

As a husband and father himself, Mark understands the outside influences and pressures everyday life can place on families. “When you have children, it really changes your perspective. So much can go wrong and you have to protect them from so many situations.” He considers his roles as father and husband as definite advantages, especially as it relates to his professional life. “These responsibilities have only enhanced my evolution when it comes to the way I practice law. I know what families have at stake. No matter what turmoil they are in, my role is to guide them through this arduous time thoughtfully, with the best legal counsel, and the ultimate goal of keeping a family intact—at least emotionally.” He currently serves as Vice President of the Covington Bar Association, but will advance to the rank of President in 2013.

It is safe to say that all matters of family law are traumatic to the families involved. Therefore, attorneys entrusted with such delicate matters must possess legal dexterousness as well as a level of compassion for the parties involved. “Sometimes, clients need to know that someone will be their sounding board,” says associate Tracy Gold. Her prosecutorial background and background in psychology, coupled with the fact that she is a wife and mother herself, make Tracy an invaluable resource. “For me, it is about doing everything in my power to resolve the issues of every case so that families can move into a new chapter in their lives, and the children involved can have peace.”

In an effort to offer an additional avenue of resolution to every client, Frank and Mark plan to obtain mediation certifications this summer.

“Many clients feel that mediation is the best answer, while some may see it as the first step in reaching their desired result. No matter the reason, we feel that it will be yet another way we continue to offer our clients what they need in a family law practice,” Frank notes.

From paralegal, Klea Davis, who holds a bachelor’s degree in the area of Paralegal Studies, to seasoned legal secretary, Meghan Bedair, every member of the firm’s staff is in the know about the essentials of each case. “Clients get an immediate response to any need that may arise,” Mark says. “Our staff does not miss a beat, because we meet regularly to update everyone on the status of every case.”

With over six decades of combined experience, the attorneys at Tranchina & Mansfield, LLC offer a formula for family law success built around a team of professionals dedicated to the most successful, succinct outcome possible. “We are just the right size for a personal team approach. We complement each other so well, that we can actually anticipate the needs of one another,” Frank says. “We all have families of our own, and because we are so much like a family, we work extremely well together. Our approach begins and ends with the ultimate well-being of each family we serve. We would not have it any other way.” 

Tranchina & Mansfield, LLC is located at 321 East Kirkland Street, in Covington. To schedule a consultation, call 985-892-1313 or visit www.tranchinaandmansfield.com.


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