
On a television program called Good Times, JJ, one of the main characters, frequently exclaimed “Dy-no-mite!” I believe that everyone has dynamite inside. The resurrection of Christ is a good place to examine that potential.

A massive boulder rolled in place at the entrance of the tomb of Christ weighed about two tons, yet the stone did not stay there. When the time was right, the guards were powerless to keep the stone in place. Whatever, your barriers maybe, when the time is right, the obstacles will no longer be a hindrance.

Have you people who waver in the integrity of their friendship? With you one minute, talk about you in the next? About 500 people testified to the resurrection of Christ. Misrepresenting the truth does not change its veracity. Your power is not within what others may think or not think about you but within your own person.

Billy Graham said of Easter, “God proved His love on the Cross. When Christ hung and bled, and died, it was God saying to the world, ‘I love you.’”

The unsealed tomb, the myriad of witnesses, love eternal are catalysts for understanding that you are no ordinary you and have a plethora of resources to go beyond past obstructions and disadvantages.

Think of the times that you have been present seeing your own or others’ dreams come true: graduations, births, good test results, jobs, ribbon-cuttings, soldiers returning home and the day-to-day joys of serendipitous happenings. Recall these former successes, and encourage your heart to embrace the hope of realizing your destiny.


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