Robby Miller, Tangipahoa Parish President

A Great New Year for Tangipahoa Parish

2021 is going to be a great year for Tangipahoa Parish, and I hope you feel the excitement that is building for our community! Last year presented so many challenges for our parish, yet, in the midst of those obstacles, we found so many successes! Our sales tax receipts are the highest they’ve ever been, and that’s because of you, who chose to shop at home throughout the year.

Our building permits are also reaching new heights, partially due to new construction, but also due to renovations and improvements to homes and businesses. That’s important because it means we continue to invest in our community. 2020 ended on a high note with the announcement that Medline will soon break ground on a 650,000 square foot distribution center near the Hammond Airport. This project represents a $45 million investment in our parish and will add 450 jobs when the facility is at full capacity. The construction impact alone will create 350 new jobs here.

Many companies are looking to grow and invest in Tangipahoa Parish in 2021. Our phones ring daily with new inquiries. We are very hopeful that these are early indices of even greater things ahead for our community.

There are so many good things happening across our parish, and in 2021, I hope you’ll join me in welcoming this new year and the promise it holds for a brighter tomorrow for all of us.

On behalf of our family and our entire Tangipahoa Parish Government team, I hope 2021 finds you happy, healthy, and successful in all that you do. May it be our best year yet! If you’d like to learn more about our great Tangipahoa Parish,
visit: www.tangipahoa.org or our Facebook page at


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